XP LOG present at the RAN 2019


The Rendez vous d’Affaires of Normandy in Rouen

XP LOG was at the 17th edition of the Rendez-vous d’Affaires of Normandy 2019 (RAN 2019). During this day, more than 350 companies were present at this event.

Created in 2002 by the CCI de Normandie, the goal of those appointments are to meet people that can be useful to our companies. Different kind of companies are present: services providers, industries, sub-contractors, suppliers and distributors based in Normandy.

This event is organized to allow people to find contacts for their network which can bring opportunities to their companies.

Organised under a speed dating way, it lasts 20 minutes. This day allowed XP LOG to exchange with professionals interested by the logistic and the transport.

Thanks to this meeting, XP LOG met almost 20 different companies. This conversations allowed XP LOG to put forward our logistic platform in Le Havre.

  • Rendez vous d'Affaires de Normandie
  • Rendez vous d'Affaires en Normandie