index xplog

The index of professional equality

The index of the professional equality between women and men illustrates the parity within a company. This index is composed by 100 points divided between 4 indicators:

  • The gap of wages between women and men,
  • The difference of promotion between men and women
  • The number of female workers who got a promotion after their maternity leave
  • The level of gender equality within the 10 biggest wages of the company.

XP LOG’s results

Points for XP LOG Maximum
1 – The gap of wages between women and men 34 40
2 –The difference of promotion between men and women 35 35
3 –The number of female workers who got a promotion after their maternity leave 15 15
4 –The level of gender equality within the 10 biggest wages of the company 5 10
TOTAL 89 100

How to calculate the index of equality between women and men? 

Each year, the companies of more than 50 employees must calculate this index and then publish it. It must be available on their website.

It haven’t always been mandatory. In addition, the rules are changing over time :

  • The companies of more than 1000 employees -> Since the 1st of Match 2019 ;
  • The companies of more than 250 employees -> Since the 1st of September 2019 ;
  • The companies of more than 50 employees -> Since the 1stof March 2020.

It is necessary to use the online simulator from the government in order to calculate this index. Please note that the grade is based on the Y-1 data. Which means that the 2021 index is based on the 2020 data.

What are the employees taken into account in the index? 

All the employees who worked within the period of the index are taken into account except :

  • Apprentice
  • The part time workers such as interim
  • The expatriated employees
  • The employees who were not working for more than 6 month
  • The pre retired employees

How to interpret the result? 

If the result is under 75 points, the company has to decide and implement measures. The goal is to reach the 75 points as quick as possible. The ideal time is 3 years. The measures can be done in the daily life, monthly or even annually. They must be defined and structured through dedicated meetings of negotiation. If that’s not possible, they must be at least decided through the CSR department.

In the case of XP LOG, the objective was to reach the 75 point as quick as possible and then, make that score increase.

As the company got 89/100, the current goal is to keep it and increase again and again this score.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question.